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Hughes Awards

2015 Hughes Award

The Patrick J. Hughes award was established by the Board of Commissioners in honor of former First Assistant State Appellate Defender Patrick J. Hughes. This award is presented to a Supervisor who has demonstrated excellence in his/her performance as a Supervisor which has resulted in the high-quality representation of clients by those supervised. This year the Hughes award was presented to First District Supervisor Debra R. Salinger.

On April 16, at a reception held in Chicago, First District Office Supervisor Debra Salinger was presented the Patrick J. Hughes award. Pictured in the photo above are Debra and First District Deputy Defender Alan Goldberg (left) and State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

2014 Hughes Award

The Patrick J. Hughes award was established by the Board of Commissioners in honor of former First Assistant State Appellate Defender Patrick J. Hughes. This award is presented to a Supervisor who has demonstrated excellence in his/her performance as a Supervisor which has resulted in the high-quality representation of clients by those supervised. This year the Hughes award was presented to Third District Supervisor Stephen H. Omolecki.

On June 12, at a reception held in Ottawa, Third District Supervisor Stephen H. Omolecki was presented the Patrick J. Hughes award. Pictured in the photo above are Steve (middle) holding his award, State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Third District Deputy Defender Peter A. Carusona (right).

2013 Hughes Award

The Patrick J. Hughes award was established by the Board of Commissioners in honor of former First Assistant State Appellate Defender Patrick J. Hughes. This award is presented to a Supervisor who has demonstrated excellence in his/her performance as a Supervisor which has resulted in the high-quality representation of clients by those supervised. This year the Hughes award was presented to three deserving recipients.

On April 17, at a reception in her honor in Springfield, Fourth District Office Supervisor Arden J. Lang was presented the Patrick J. Hughes award. Pictured in the photo above are Arden (left) holding her award and, in the center, former First Assistant State Appellate Defender Patrick J. Hughes, for whom the award is named, and State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

On April 25, at a reception in the Second District Office in Elgin, Supervisor Josette Skelnik was presented the Patrick J. Hughes award. In the photo above, Josette (center) is pictured with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Second District Deputy Defender Thomas A. Lilien (right).

Second District Office Supervisor Paul J. Glaser was honored at a reception on April 25 in Elgin where he was presented with the Patrick J. Hughes award. Pictured above are Hughes award recipient Paul J. Glaser (center) with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Second District Deputy Defender Thomas A. Lilien (right)

2012 Hughes Award

A new Agency award was established by the Board of Commissioners in honor of Patrick J. Hughes, former First Assistant State Appellate Defender. This award is to be presented to a Supervisor who has demonstrated excellence in his/her performance as a Supervisor that has resulted in high-quality representation of clients by those supervised. The first Hughes Award recipient is Patricia Mysza, Supervisor in the First District Office.

On April 26, at a reception in her honor in the First District office in Chicago, Pat Mysza was presented the Hughes award by Patrick J. Hughes. In the picture above, Pat Mysza (right) is shown receiving her award from Pat Hughes (left). Also pictured are State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (far left) and First District Deputy Defender Alan Goldberg (far right).

Previous Award Recipients​ Office​ FY Award Presented​
​Debra Salinger ​1st District 2015
​Stephen H. Omolecki ​3rd District 2014
​Arden Lang ​4th District 2013
​Josette Skelnik ​2nd District 2013
​Paul J. Glaser 2nd District​ 2013
Pat Mysza​ ​1st District 2012