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Haddad Awards

2015 Haddad Award

The James B. Haddad Award was created in memory of James Haddad, a distinguished lawyer, teacher and author who throughout his career was associated with the Office of the State Appellate Defender. The 2015 Haddad awards were presented to two outstanding recipients.

At a reception in her honor on April 7 in Elgin, Kim DeWitt, Second District Assistant Appellate Defender, was presented the Haddad Award. Kim is pictured above with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Second District Deputy Defender Thomas A. Lilien (right).

First District Assistant Appellate Defender Linda Olthoff was presented the Haddad award at a reception in her honor on April 16 in the First District office in Chicago. Pictured above are Linda with First District Deputy Defender Alan Goldberg (left) and State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

2014 Haddad Award

The James B. Haddad Award was created in memory of James Haddad, a distinguished lawyer, teacher and author who throughout his career was associated with the Office of the State Appellate Defender. The 2014 Haddad awards were presented to two outstanding recipients.

At a reception in her honor on March 21 in Springfield, Jacqueline Bullard, Fourth District Assistant Appellate Defender, was presented the Haddad Award. Jackie is pictured above with former State Appellate Defender Theodore A. Gottfried (left) and State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

Third District Assistant Appellate Defender Kerry J. Bryson was presented the Haddad award at a reception in her honor on June 12 in the Third District office in Ottawa. Pictured above are Kerry with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Third District Deputy Defender Peter A. Carusona (right).

2013 Haddad Award

The James B. Haddad Award was created in memory of James Haddad, a distinguished lawyer, teacher and author who throughout his career was associated with the Office of the State Appellate Defender. The 2013 Haddad awards were presented to three outstanding recipients.

At a reception in her honor on April 5 in Chicago, Heidi Linn Lambros, First District Assistant Appellate Defender, was presented the Haddad Award. Heidi is pictured above with First District Deputy Defender Alan D. Goldberg (left) and State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

Third District Assistant Appellate Defender Mark D. Fisher was presented the Haddad award at a reception in his honor on April 24 in the Third District office in Ottawa. Pictured above are Mark holding his award (left) with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (center) and Third District Deputy Defender Peter A. Carusona (right).

At a reception in his honor on April 25 in Elgin, the Haddad award was presented to Assistant Appellate Defender Steven E. Wiltgen. Steve is pictured in the photo above with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and Second District Deputy Defender Thomas A. Lilien.

2012 Haddad Award

The James B. Haddad Award was established in memory of James Haddad, a distinguished lawyer, teacher and author who throughout his career was associated with the Office of the State Appellate Defender. This year, the Haddad Award was presented to two deserving recipients - Martin J. Ryan, Assistant Appellate Defender in the Fourth District Office, and Laura A. Weiler, Assistant Appellate Defender in the First District Office.

At a reception in his honor in Springfield on April 18, Marty Ryan (left) was presented the Haddad Award by State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (right).

Haddad Award recipient Laura Weiler was honored at a reception in Chicago on April 26. Pictured above are Laura Weiler with State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and First District Deputy Defender Alan Goldberg (right).

2011 Haddad Award

James B. Haddad was a former member of the State Appellate Defender Board of Commissioners and was a distinguished criminal law teacher and scholar. The 2011 James B. Haddad Award was presented to James E. Chadd, Assistant Deputy Defender in the First District office, on June 9, 2011, at a reception in his honor. Jim Chadd was presented the Haddad award in recognition of a career of extraordinary legal representation and compassionate concern for the welfare of indigent clients.

Pictured with award recipient Jim Chadd are State Appellate Defender Michael J. Pelletier (left) and former State Appellate Defender Theodore A. Gottfried (second from right) and First District Deputy Defender Alan Goldberg (right).

​Previous Award Recipients ​Office FY Award Presented
​Kim DeWitt
2nd District ​2015
​Linda Olthoff 1st District​ 2015​
​Jacqueline Bullard 4th District 2014
​Kerry J. Bryson ​3rd District 2014
​Heidi Linn Lambros 1st District ​2013
​Mark D. Fisher ​3rd District​ 2013
​Steven E. Wiltgen ​2nd District 2013
​Martin Ryan​ ​4th District 2012
Laura Weiler​ ​1st District 2012
James E. Chadd ​1st District 2011
Kathleen J. Hamill 2nd District​ 2010
Karen Munoz​ ​4th District 2008
​​Barbara Kamm ​1st District 2006
​Gary Peterson 4th District 2004
​​Verlin Meinz ​3rd District 2003
​Charles (Chick) Hoffman ​Supreme Court Unit 1997
Alan Goldberg 1st District 1996
​Larry Wells ​5th District 1995
​Patricia Unsinn ​1st District 1994